• Your Intellectual Property is Valuable

    From your legal team to your expert team, it should be in the hands of an organization with a proven track record.

  • TURBO CHART: noun

    Cloud-based software designed to scale the number of Accused Instrumentalities in large, complex patent litigation cases. Increase quality and decrease costs by using it. It's that simple.

  • Your Attorneys are good. Turbo Chart is a force multiplier.

    600 Accused Instrumentalities: 10,000 exhibits; 150,000 pages of trial-grade Infringement Contentions; 2.2 GB of documentation prepared for Trial. Turbo Chart allows a small team to make a large impact.

  • Source Code Review

    Reviewing source code is a skill as unique as an Attorney writing a brief or an Expert being deposed. Deploy individuals that specialize in it.